My hair turned out black and I have blue glasses.
I'm so confused. Men only like me when they're drunk is all anything essentially comes down to though. They say they'd love to date me when they've been drinking, but as soon as they're sober, they just want to sleep with me. *rolls eyes* It pisses me off, honestly. Granted, I'm trying to, not necessarily avoid dating, but, make sure I can be stable on my own before I try to date someone again. It still is frustrating though, that I'm so "fuckable," but just not dateable. I don't know. I assumed I was a fairly pleasant person, I have a good number of friends and whatnot, people take to me quickly... it's just not enough, I suppose. I'm always, like, the backup. Or, the person they were going to get with until so-and-so came along. Or better than that is when everyone else assumes I'm going to start dating someone and they pass me over entirely. I guess I deserve it. Whatever.
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